At Scanfil, social responsibility focuses on competence development, occupational safety and health, and the development of the personnel’s motivation and work satisfaction. Scanfil’s aim is to be a reliable employer and an encouraging working environment.
Scanfil is part of the United Nations Global Compact initiative. The companies involved in the Global Compact are committed to the ten principles of human
rights, labour standards, the environment and the eradication of corruption.

Scanfil improves occupational safety by continuous active measures. The work environment must always be safe and healthy. The ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management standard is being used at all Scanfil’s factories. The development of safety is also monitored by the Safety Council, which meets four times a year and consistsof the HR managers of each factory. Scanfil uses the Safety Book, in which information on occupational accidents occurring during a year is recorded. Scanfil reacts to all occupational accidents and near-miss incidents appropriately to prevent them from recurring. In addition, the Lean Manufacturing and Process Engineering teams participatein ensuring the safety and efficiency of production areas.Most accidents are related to the handling of materials in production areas and the use of tools at workstations. In assembly and office work, difficult postures and extended sedentary work present a challenge. Their negative impact is avoided by means of high ergonomics. Scanfil’s factories are actively involved in charitable activities, and Scanfil supports UNICEF at group level.
In terms of its social responsibility, Scanfil focuses on competence development, occupational safety and health, and the development of employees’ motivation and work satisfaction. The company ensures the fulfilment of its social responsibility through fair working conditions and practices in its Code of Conduct. Human rights and equal treatment are basic values in Scanfil’s operations, and here no compromises can ever be made. Besides the personnel, they concern all partners, and they define, among other things, the principles of respecting individuals, as well as those of preventing forced labour, child labour and human trafficking.The Code of Conduct also includes instructions on reporting possible or suspected unethical or illegal
actions. Scanfil’s personnel survey also includes questions about any unwelcome behavior. Scanfil has a whistleblowing channel to which the company’s personnel and partners can anonymously report any misconduct or suspected misconduct regarding human rights, corruption, bribery or the Code of Conduct. The company aims to ensure compliance with the Code of Conduct in supply chain management by carrying out audits. Compliance with the law and ethical principles is also monitored in internal control and audits. During 2020, no non-conformities pursuant to corporate governance were identified in Scanfil’s global whistleblowing channels.
Five cases of bullying or harassment were reported in local HR organisations. These were investigated thoroughly by local management teams, and the resulting actions were reported in the global HR organisation.
Our SDG focus areas on social side are Good Health, Gender Equality and Reduce Inequalities. These three areas are decided based on UN Sustainable Development Target Framework, UN Women Empowerment Initiative, and ISO 45001:2018. Our centric objectives for social sustainability are: