Key themes of Scanfil’s corporate responsibility
“Sustainability matters to us. We want to preserve the earth for future generations to live and be an excellent and responsible business partner to our customers and suppliers, and reliable employer .”
Christophe Sut, CEO of Scanfil
Key themes in corporate responsibility Scanfil has further specified key themes of its corporate responsibility and divided them into the responsible offering, as well as responsibility for partners, the community, personnel and the environment. Scanfil manufactures products based on product details and needs specified by the customer.
Scanfil is a member of the United Nations Global Compact initiative. The companies involved in the Global Compact are committed to the ten principles of human rights, labor standards, the environment, and the eradication of corruption. Scanfil has evaluated 17 UN’s Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) and chosen 7 the most significant to it and its stakeholders.
Scanfil supports the following sustainable development goals:
12 Responsible Consumption and Production
The goal aims to ensure that consumption and production patterns are sustainable and do not deplete natural resources. Scanfil aims to reduce its energy, water and material consumption mainly by doing energy, water and material efficient choices in production
13 Climate Action
The goal aims to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Scanfil aims to improve its energy efficiency, increase the share of fossil-free energy in its operations and considering GHG in all aspects in its operations such as freights and travel.
3 Good Health
The goal aims to ensure that everyone has access to quality health care and can lead healthy lives. Scanfil aims to secure a healthy and safe work environment for all its employees.
5 Gender Equality
The goal aims to eliminate discrimination and violence against women and girls, and ensure full and equal participation in political, economic, and social life.
Scanfil aims to increase the share of women in the workforce and senior management.
8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
The goal aims to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. Scanfil aims to improve and ensure its employees well-being at work. It is measured annually and actions are taken according to the results.
10 Reduced Inequalities
The goal aims to reduce income inequality and ensure that everyone, regardless of their background, has an equal opportunity to succeed. Scanfil aims to reduce perceived bullying and discrimination among its employees.
16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
The goal aims to ensure that everyone lives in a peaceful and inclusive society and that everyone has access to justice and institutions that are accountable and responsive to their needs. Scanfil aims to secure and strengthen fair, lawful, equal and predictable business practices.

Scanfil has been awarded with the EcoVadis silver rating for its sustainability work. Rating places Scanfil within the top 25% of companies globally.

The focus areas of environmental responsibility in improving productivity and efficiency are the efficient use of raw materials, control of energy and water consumption, as well as the management and reduction of waste, and the reduction of the carbon footprint. All the company’s plants are ISO 14001-certified.

Our offering
In the responsible offering, attention is paid to the development of customer satisfaction, product quality, delivery reliability, and continuous development. Observance of laws and ethical principles throughout the supply chain, prevention of corruption and bribery are fundamental to our responsibility. We continuously invest in new technology to develop our offering in all areas. All the company’s plants operate a quality control system observing the ISO 9001 criteria.

Our people
Social responsibility focuses on competence development, occupational safety and health, and the development of the personnel’s motivation and work satisfaction. All our factories observe the ISO 45001 standard for the management of occupational health and safety. Scanfil’s target is to be an excellent place to work.

Partners & the community
Responsibility toward partners and the community emphasizes the added value produced, profitability, and the transparency and ethics of operations. In the same way that Scanfil strictly follows laws and agreements, we demand the same accuracy from our partners. By taking responsibility for our part in the value chain, we provide added value in the partnership. Scanfil’s target is to be an excellent corporate citizen.