Cost improvement services
Even the best and most innovative designs can age and become uncompetitive, but there are many activities we can do to prevent that from happening. Scanfil offers several cost improvement services that will fit your products in different periods of your product’s life cycle.
In our different types of cost improvement, we analyze what cost improvements can be made, both without changing the product’s functionality and when we also can do a full value analysis.
We make a review of your Bill of Material to search for equivalent components that are cheaper than already in Scanfil’s extensive material library to gain synergies in buy power. In our BOM-analysis service, we will review the product structure with our component- and design engineers and sourcing experts to look for:
- Equivalent Components
- Obsolete components
- Near end-of-life components
- Fulfillment of regulatory/environmental requirements
- Alternative supplier selections and supply set-up

We can review the design from a DFX-approach to suggest smaller adjustments that lower the cost of components or value-add without interfering with functionality or quality.
Value Analysis
In our Value Analysis, we take a systematic multidisciplinary approach that challenges the cost of the actual existing product and the functionality provided by the product to its users. The focus is on reducing costs, improving function, or both.
Value Engineering
Value Engineering realizes the ideas from the Value Analysis or as an approach when designing a new product. In this phase, about 80% of the product life cycle’s total cost is defined when creating a new product. That is also why it is possible to realize heavy reductions if the Value Analysis has been made correctly.

In a complete VA/VE-project, we will conduct Function analysis, Value analysis, and the evaluation of alternative solutions to develop recommendations on what can be achieved with different kinds of re-designs. With VA/VE-project, you can more significantly impact the total cost, performance, and quality of the product than in a price reduction project on an existing product with a fixed specification. The main benefit of letting Scanfil run your VA/VE-project is that we are the coordinator between all parties that need to be involved, from your development and service organization to our production and supply chain and other possible stakeholders.
In short, a Scanfil VA/VE-project will:
- Heavily reduces your product’s total cost while maintaining or improving performance and quality, resulting in a remarkable competitiveness improvement.
- Lead to improvements in both the product and processes
- It gives you a full stakeholder view of different possibilities that will after agreement be implemented by Scanfil.

Our Services
Our design driven manufacturing approach gives us advantage from R&D to manufacturing to logistics and our committed people are there to constantly deliver best results for our customers. Scanfil’s vertically integrated production offers a full-scale and cost-efficient service chain throughout the product’s life cycle.