Scanfil produces added value for employees, creditors and shareholders, and for the company’s further development.
Scanfil is committed to paying taxes and other statutory expenses in each of its countries of operation.
Procurement makes up approximately two thirds of turnover, which is why efficient procurement is a significant competition factor for Scanfil. Scanfil has a broad network of local, regional and international suppliers and partners, which it seeks to develop to ensure good quality and cost-effectiveness.
Scanfil requires that all its partners comply with the law and agreements and that they operate in accordance with Scanfil’s Code of Conduct. The Supplier Code of Conduct constitutes part of purchase agreements signed with major suppliers. In addition, the Code of Conduct is signed with all suppliers when operating in the Asian market.
Scanfil selects its suppliers carefully, and cooperation with its key suppliers is long-term. During 2020, Scanfil automated the supplier selection process. Scanfil only uses approved suppliers that fulfil Scanfil’s strict criteria in terms of quality, delivery reliability and cost-efficiency. Scanfil audits its suppliers systematically and monitors
their compliance with the terms and conditions of agreements. It also prevents any misconduct through the verification of orders and training. Once cooperation has started, quality assurance is carried out continuously. This means that incoming material is inspected, any non-conformities are kept under control, any errors in quality are corrected and the general performance of suppliers is evaluated. When new components or materials enter in production, Scanfil always uses a separate inspection process to ensure quality. Making use of Scanfil’s global position and volume in procurement processes helps to maintain competitive prices and control
the supplier network. This is why Scanfil aims to focus its purchases on a few selected suppliers.
As part of its corporate responsibility management, Scanfil is also developing its activities to fight corruption and bribery. Compliance with corporate responsibility is raised more often than previously in talks with customers. Scanfil has defined responsible operating guidelines that cover, for example, the equal treatment of people and prohibit corruption and bribery. The Group’s operating methods, such
as transparent and cost-based pricing, reduce the possibility of non-compliant activities.
Our focus areas are Good Jobs and Economic Growth, and Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Scanfil complies with all laws and regulations in its areas of operations and considers its stakeholders aspirations in sustainability point of view. Our centric objectives for sustainable governance are: