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Scanfil & COVID-19



Due to the wide spreading of the Corona virus during the last weeks, people, companies and even whole countries have become more and more detached from the normal way of living and working that everybody was used to. This special situation requires flexibility and adaptation from all of us.

In order to mitigate the risk and the impact of the Corona virus we are closely monitoring our supply chain, informing our customers on a regular basis and taking multiple actions to protect our people and workforce. We apply the rules and guidelines of the local governments.

We encourage everybody to respect and follow the important advices provided by the WHO and other authorities. Our first concern in current critical times are our people and to keep everybody safe and healthy.

We do everything possible to ensure our ability to work and to limit the spread of the virus in the best possible way. We want to protect the weak in society: our parents and grandparents, lung patients, asthmatics, and all other people at risk.

These days we can show that we stick together as partners in challenging times and that we can successfully master the phase together. We send you our best wishes for the challenging time.