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Our SMART Journey Continues with Success



In 2019 Scanfil kicked off an ambitious technology, digitalisation and automation programme, called SMART. Scanfil’s SMART is a five-year programme and we have now come to the halfway.

Manager engineer analyzing and control automation robot arms machine on software modern virtual interface data real time in intelligent factory industrial and digital manufacturing operation.

The ambitious programme brings benefits to our customers and personnel. Scanfil’s new Siemens’ MES system brings us closer to one of our programme targets: “fully transparent value chain”. In addition to MES, we have introduced several automation and digitalisation solutions that are used to ensure efficient production, high quality and competitiveness in the long run. 

Robotisation is one of the choices of technology we made in the programme. Through robots, we have added automation, for example, in the form of collaborative robots (i.e. cobots) and mobile robots (i.e AIV). Cobots we use are designed to work with people and help, e.g., with repetitive work tasks. AIVs are used in warehouses and production areas to move goods. Moreover, we have done other material handling automation investments in warehouses to improve efficiency. 

At the end of this year, our customers will gain access to the new customer portal, digital solutions designed for customer care. In the initial discussions with our customers, we have received very positive feedback regarding the new portal. It will further improve our transparency towards our customers and pave the way to a fully transparent value chain.  

One of the most interesting areas, however, is the area that cannot be seen. Already in Scanfil’s most advanced factories, pieces of equipment related to incoming goods, transportation, storage, production planning, programming, and manufacturing are all connected and centrally controlled. Integration of equipment and systems reduces extra work, speeds up collection, setup, and improves overall turnaround time.

Scanfil completed its SMART vision and technology roadmap just over a couple of years ago. As the pace of the five-year programme is fast, the technology roadmap has naturally transformed and developed along the way technology has evolved. We have only seen the first half of the programme – stay tuned for virtual reality, digital twins, and virtual prototyping, to mention a few.

For more information, contact CTO Markku Kosunen (firstname.lastname(at)